Neil Breen Films LLC

The Man. The Myth. The Movies.

Fateful Findings

In Defense of the Fateful Findings Actresses

In Neil Breen’s Fateful Findings, most of the online reviewers have very unkind things to say about the actresses in the movie. They are called names, accused of being porn stars, along with other very inaccurate statements and assessments.
We can all agree that the acting performances are abysmal. But why is this?
Below are the facts: each of these actresses has been a working actor, with success in movies and/or television. The one common denominator in this train wreck of a movie is… {drumroll} … NEIL BREEN’S DIRECTING.
It has been speculated that there are NDAs (Not Disclosure Agreements), though I’ve never seen proof of this, which would explain why so few interviews exist with the non-Neil people involved in the movies. I’ve only seen interviews or videos from three of the actors in Neil’s movies:
1) Kathy Corpus from Pass Thru (Amanda)
Sara Meritt from Twisted Pair (Alana)
Jason Morciglio from Pass Thru and Twisted Pair Pass Thru: (Human Trafficker) ; Twisted Pair (Homeless Man and Agency Executive)
We do find out in the interviews above that Neil Breen does not give whole scripts out, and there is speculation that the actors appear to be reading off of cue cards at times.
The Kathy Corpus interview is the most interesting. She seems to be taking a careful trail through the experience of working for (I would not say, “with”) Neil.
Below are the IMDB pages of the four main actresses in Fateful Findings. You can judge for yourself if their Fateful Findings performances were due to them being the worst actresses on the planet, or if the directing from Neil may have been the reason.
Klara Landrat - Emily (17 Credits as an Actress)
Jennifer Autry - Leah (5 Credits as an Actress; Career as a Trade Show Presenter)
Victoria Valene (also Cameron, Viveiros) - Amy (28 Credits as an Actress)
Danielle Andrade - Aly (25 Credits as an Actress)

Oh, concerning the male actors… The only one with his picture included on his IMDB page, other than Neil, is, “I, and other insurance companies,” Jaime Reborn.